Eligibility Guidelines
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CherryPicks will consider the following criteria when evaluating critic applications for inclusion in the CherryPickers Portal.

  • Must be at least 18 years of age and self-identify as female, femme, or nonbinary.
  • Must have written at least five (5) critical reviews for a CherryPicks-approved/selected publication.
  • Must go beyond a summary to provide critical analysis and individual thought.
  • Must be over fifty (50) words in written form or over two (2) minutes if in video or audio form.
  • Must be written in English (though we encourage international critics to apply).
  • Reviews must be a critic’s own original writing. Any form of plagiarism will not be tolerated.
  • Examples of CherryPicks-approved/selected publications include: Los Angeles Times, The Wrap, Indiewire, Sight & Sound, The Mary Sue, Common Sense Media, and The Curvy Critic.
  • Publications unknown to CherryPicks will be subject to additional individual review.
  • At this time, we are not accepting personal blogs or student publications.

Our mission at CherryPicks is to provide a supportive and welcoming environment. We have a zero-tolerance policy for defamatory, harassing, obscene, intolerant, discriminatory or otherwise objectionable language, and reserve the right at any time to remove any content that in our sole discretion violates these standards.

The above list is non-exhaustive, and CherryPicks may consider other criteria in determining the eligibility of any given applicant. In all cases, CherryPicks reserves the right to approve or reject any particular applicant for any reason on a case-by-case basis, as well as to remove critics from the CherryPickers portal for any reason at any time.